Sunday, July 31, 2005

I couldn't resist putting a picture on. Yay!

Hmmm, well....

All I have done all day is sleep in until lunch time and then watch the whole of Pride and Prejudice all in one go. I love it and if you haven't read the book, you really should! Not the best use of day, but nevermind, I enjoyed it. I have also come to the conclusion that if I had the choice of living in reality or in a fairy tale story, I would definitely pick the fairy tale. Much more exciting. Oh well, I guess we all have to make do with imagination to make our lives little more exciting. You know, watching films has a strange effect on me. After Lord of the Rings I decided that I wanted to get pointy ears and be an elf, after Star Wars I wanted a light sabre and now I want to travel back in time a couple of hundred years, wear a pretty dress and a bonnet and marry Mr Darcy so that I can live in a mansion in Derbyshire. I suppose it's quite sad really. Nevermind.

Anyhoo, I'm off to bed. Got to work in the morning unfortunately.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Where have I been?!?

Well.... I've been here the whole time actually, but for some reason I haven't posted all week. Not been up to a lot, working every day and Phil has been staying since the end of last week. Here of the highlights of my week:

Monday: Nothing happened

Tuesday: Nothing happened

Wednesday: Well, most of that day was pretty uneventful, apart from our journey both to and fro work. It was raining so I had my hood up and was very sleepy so I couldn't see properly. Tony thought it would be hilarious to swerve onto the side of the road which we were walking on and flash his lights and beep his horn really hard, which did make me laugh, but not before absolutely scaring the life out of me. Anyway, he drove off and about 20 seconds later.....

Me: *sniff, sniff* Ew, what is that smell??

Gemma: Urgh! I don't know! Oh wait! Look down there.

*both of us look down the hill into the distance. There is...... THE MOST MASSIVE HORSE DUMP YOU HAVE EVER SEEN! It was really far away, but was so strong that you could smell it about 30m away!! It was gross, but very funny.*

Thursday: We walk the same route to work, and, to our horror, the horsey fairies must have been at their work through the night because not only was the horse poo there from the day before, but there we 3 new ones, all along the same stretch of road, and all as smelly as the first. Ew. That's all I have to say on the matter. I love horses, but they are gross.

Friday: I don't know I'm not there yet. But oh, how I wish I was. *sigh*

So, in conclusion I can tell you that the highlight of my week has been.... well by the looks of it, horse poo. Can you tell I'm having a great holiday??? *Ahem*

Friday, July 22, 2005

Is that a threat??

Tony from the estate office this morning:

'You have two choices. Either come and play squash with us that week, or on the Friday morning I'll get some buddies and there'll be a drive by egging. You don't want to turn up on camp smelling of egg now do you? And you know, I will do it. And then deny it afterwards. So, there it is: squashing or egging, it's your choice.'

Thing is, I still don't want to go, even though the idea of being pelted with eggs by a group of grown men from a passing car during our walk to work isn't too inviting. Maybe Gemma will go to play squash. I'm sure he'll be satisfied with that. Won't he?

Thursday, July 21, 2005

My cruel family...

They are always being horrible to me, here's an example from lunch the other day....

The conversation had got onto the subject of the Famous Five (don't ask me how, because I have no idea!)

Me: It's so funny how they talk. ''Golly gosh!', 'By Jove Susan, you're right'. Oh no, wait that was Peter that said that. *I start to go off into my own trail of thought*

Gemma: What? Susan was in the Secret Seven!

Me: Oh no, I was thinking of Peter and Susan from Narnia, I got my quotes mixed up. Hmmm. They have the Fantastic Four, Famous Five and the Secret Seven. What's six? The stupid six?? hehe

Gemma: Yeh, and you're the ringleader.


Thing you didn't know about me #13

When the house phone rings, even if I'm standing right next to it, I don't want to answer it. If I'm in another room and I know there's someone else somewhere in the house I will completely ignore it. Not just because I don't think it's for me, but because I've been a boarder for 7 years. Why would this make me be rude and not answer the phone, you might wonder? Because when I was at school, every single time I answered it, it was for one of the chinese girls and the person on the other end never spoke any english and assumed it was their daughters personal phone. And if they didn't start speaking English (obviously I couldn't tell who they wanted to talk to cos I can't speak Chinese!) we had to hang up eventually. thing is, they would keep ringing back. Again and again and again. In the end I just didn't bother answering it at all. And at college it was ALWAYS for the same person, so even though for the last 2 years I've had a room that was within 20m of the phone, I've only ever answered it twice. So, if you ever want to contact me, ring my mobile!!

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Gilly thought hers was bad.....

I was just looking at Gilly's blog and I noticed a post that I hadn't looked at before. It was basically saying that when she googled her name she got a picture of a horse. She thought that was bad, but take a look at what comes up first when I type my name!!!

That's so weird.....

According to my statistics thingy....

.....Someone in Canada was very excited about my blog today. They visited me about 10 times in the space of a couple of hours. And yes, I'm sure it was the same person everytime. I'm sure my counter isn't wrong, so would anyone like to own up to this? Or are you so obsessed with me that you're too scared to say anything?? Eh? EH?


Tuesday, July 19, 2005

The next mini chapter in the story of my life....

Well, I've seen a couple of different blogs in the last few days about people who are trying to lose weight. I'm going to join them, but do the opposite instead. My BMI says that I'm a bit underweight and I also know that I am quite unfit too so I'm going to have to do something about it. I'm not sure exactly what yet, but it'll be better than 'Simon's Get Fat Diet'*(See bottom) because I want to be fitter and not quite so skinny. I'm also pretty lazy so if I do anything I'll have to force myself, and when I say force, I really mean it. The only type of exercise I'm doing at the moment is walking to, around and back from work which I guess is about 1 1/2 of walking around each day, maybe more (that's a complete guess!). Got any ideas for what I could do to put on some weight and get fit? Hmmmm...

*Simon was my friend at college who was determined to make me fatter. It was quite funny, apart from when he tried to force feed me a raspberry jam and chocolate spread sandwich, from which the goo was literally running out. It was gross. I was nearly sick, no kidding.

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Phil Collins

Definitely one of the coolest men in the world. Without a doubt. Any time that I hear either 'You'll Be In My Heart', 'Against All Odds', 'True Colours' or 'Can't Stop Loving You' I actually want to cry. I'm not sure what it is, but there's something about his voice that I absolutely LOVE. I think he's wonderful!

I wonder.........

.......... why our neighbours thought that it was necessary to put their radio on, very loud, in their garden and leave it out there all day so everyone else could hear it even though they weren't out there listening to it themselves. How irritating. It wasn't any ordinary radio either - it was a commentry for the Golf Open Championship. Now can you see why it was so annoying??

Friday, July 15, 2005

Thing you didn't know about me #12

There are more Disney songs on my Media Player playlist than any other artist, in second place it's Foo Fighters, who are completely and utterly awesome. I know it's really childish, but I don't care - I love all of these songs! At the moment it's playing One Jump Ahead from Aladdin. Don't dare to mock me.

Yay it's the weekend!

Ok, I know I've only had a job for one week, but the weekend means that I can watch quality late night tv and sleep in until lunch time the next day. Anything is better than waking up at 6.50 every morning. Even when I was at college and I had an early start I didn't get out of bed until 7.45, which is nearly a whole hour of extra sleep everyday! I'm looking forward to going to bed tonight and being able to think about things rather than force myself to go to sleep straight away. You know, I think that's one of the best thing about going to sleep - being able to drift around in your imagination without having to make any effort to think hard about things like you do the rest of the day or make sure you get to sleep quickly because you have to wake up early in the morning, then you slowly fall asleep and dream those pleasant kind of dreams that you can't usually remember in the morning, but you know that you had a nice time in them. If you're lucky and you have one where you can remember a snapshot of it, they make you feel nice inside. That is pure relaxation. Mmmm sleeping. One of my all time favourite things.

I went to a wedding today, which was nice. It was all in German though so I didn't understand what they guy was on about half of the time and the servie was really long, but I guess it was ok because I got my first experience of a German wedding! Anita's dress was very pretty too.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

How great.

I just realised that the person from Winchester College was ANOTHER PERSON SEARCHING FOR ALEX PETTYFER!!! HE IS NOT HERE SO GO AWAY! Not only did they search for Alex Pettyfer, but they wrote 'balls' after his name. Lovely.

Thing you didn't know about me #11

Does this make me weird?...

My stats counter on this blog tells me about everyone that visits me. Most of the time you can't tell who it is, but sometimes, just sometimes, their IP address gives their identity away and I feel like I'm spying on them. It's exciting. For example, someone visited me from Winchester College this morning, so I know that they are (much more likely than not) quite or very rich, male, like watching cricket and have to go to college chapel every Sunday morning in their suits. Even just knowing those tiny things about people makes me feel great. I especially like it when someone from a completely different country visits me, and even though there are thousands of people there, I can tell exactly who it is!


This morning I endured the slowest 4 hours of my life. The job isn't exactly hard, and was only gross at one point (what can I say? Men, especially of the soldier variety, are disgusting! They also all managed to come out of the room they were in AFTER I had just mopped the corridor, so it ended up having big boot prints all the way down it), but I was so hot and tired when I got back that I had a massive drink of milk and then fell to sleep. I wonder whether I'll be able to manage doing this everyday..... I suppose we'll ahve to see!

Monday, July 11, 2005

no no no no NOOO!

I have to start work tomorrow, may I add as a cleaner, and I really, really, really, really, really don't want to!

Think of the most sucky sucking sucker thing that you can. And then multiply it by ten and you've got it.


The only good news that I can think of is that Alfred is here to stay!!! He's a protected species so they're not allowed to move him! YAY!

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Batwoman! The most exciting thing ever!

I am officially Batwoman. After being home for 10 days, I decided to unpack today. Then, when I had finished, I opened the attic door (which is one of those where the door is in the ceiling) and a baby bat practically fell on me. I screamed so much that I wouldn't be surprised if the whole street heard me! It scared the life out of me, because I had no idea what it was at first . For some reason I thought it was a frog, but then I looked closer and realised it was a bat(why and how a frog would be in my attic I have NO idea!). I then went on to screaming for mum to come and look. Anyway, dad picked it up on a piece of paper and put it out of the window. It couldn't actually fly properly so it kinda glided down to the floor. I thought he'd killed it so I ran downstairs and into the garden to look for it, but it turned out that it had crawled by the door and it was a good job that I didn't shut it or I would have completely squashed him! (Oh yeah, by the way I decided it was a 'he' and I called him Alfred.) He really is the cutest thing I've ever seen and I took some pictures so when I get them developped I'll put them on here. In the mean time you'll have to make do with the picture that I put on of a similar one that I found on the Internet. Anyway, back to the story!....

..... We decided to put him in a tree because we didn't know what else to do with him and he climbed quite a way up and went to sleep. But later on when I came to check on him I decided to put him back in the attic with his friends (aka Martin and Sylvia) which I also found when I eventually put my suitcase up there (hehe it was funny when dad tried to put him back in his little hole because all of the other ones kept falling out and they kept trying to run away when he tried to catch them). So, Alfred is safe in our nice warm attic at the moment and mum is going to call someone tomorrow to come and take him and his friends away to a nice new house somewhere lovely. I'm sure he will always remember me and that I loved him dearly, and I'll never forget his cute little face. Awwww

Alfred: my new best friend.

Saturday, July 09, 2005

I can't believe it.

I just had a conversation with someone for over 10 minutes on msn. Only after we had said good night and the other person signed off did I realise who I had spoken to. I really did think that I was talking to someone completely different. How could I be so stupid?? Especially as everytime he said something his name appeared next to it. That's a sure sign that I need to go to bed, I'm not thinking properly.....

Friday, July 08, 2005

I swear......

..... If I get anymore people coming to my blog after searching for 'Alex Pettyfer' I'm going to go insane. I'm not joking. In the last few days I must have had about 10. That's a lot seeing as I don't actually get that many visitors everyday. Actually, I guess it's quite funny - I can almost guarantee that every single person looking is a girl aged between 12 and 15 who is in love with him.

It's not like I'm saying he's rubbish or anything, I'm sure he's a perfectly good actor, well he was good in Tom Brown's School Days anyway, but seriously, stop coming here! I have nothing to do with Alex Pettyfer!! I have to be careful about what I say, because last time I mentioned him i got a very rude reply from some random squealy 13 year old girl who hadn't actually read what I'd written properly and had got the wrong end of the stick.

Hmmm.... maybe writing this post isn't such a good idea... writing his name will probably make more people come here... Ah well, I'm off to bed. Night!

4000 visitors!

Well my blog has had just over 4000 visitors since 1st January this year. I'm quite pleased with myself. And just so you know, 2000 of them aren't me visiting my own blog, I assure you.

I am so bored. Bored bored bored bored. I was glad to finish college and all, but my life and mind is like a big blob of nothingness right now. Mum is making me get a job, which I don't want, because even though I'm bored during the day, I want to be able to waste time by sleeping in until lunchtime instead of getting up early to go to some loser job that I don't like. Ok, so when I'm at uni I'll be glad of the money, but right now I couldn't care less.

I miss my friends. I really miss them. I'm going insane. If you can be bothered to read this guys, I love ya! Send me emails!!!! NOW! Or I might be forced to do something really silly.....

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

You learn something new everyday...

What? No you don't. Surely? Well, I didn't think you did, not really anyway. For some reason this topic came up while we were having dinner. Of course I answered, 'Well I haven't learnt anything over today nevermind this last weekend, I haven't done anything!'. But then we thought about it, and I actually have. So, I'm putting myself to the test. I'm going to be at home doing pretty much nothing for quite a while so I'm going to see whether I actually learn anything remotely useful.

We discoverd that today, I've learnt:

- Never put a pan back on a hob that's still hot because it'll dry everything up inside and it'll get stuck to the bottom of the pan and it'll be harder to clean

- If you put something in the tumble dryer, make sure that YOU are the one that takes it out, otherwise a certain grandparent may take them out afterwards and hang them on the line even when they've already been dried (Grandparents: 'We didn't know what the tumble dryer was for! So, we hung them out.' Me: 'Isn't the clue in the name? Tumble DRYER. Nevermind. Thanks anyway Grandma')

It's always important to make sure that your grandparents know the difference between where the salt and the sugar are kept. Otherwise you get salt in your tea and on your strawberries. Not the nicest.

- Don't EVER use the words 'marriage' and the name of one of your brothers or sisters in the same sentence, even if it's unrelated, because old people often get the wrong idea....

- Don't put the cabbage on top of the fridge, put it on top of the freezer instead or lots of water will condense on the top causing it to go funny.

- I also learnt, rather unfortunately, that I missed out on the greatest party ever during half term. They even got to... I can't even say it....... DRESS UP!!!!! I'll probably cry myself to sleep tonight. I would have got to be the mad french chef too who was involved in the murders....

Josh and Jo. Note: Josh is playing MY character.

I tried to put some more picture on but they wouldn't load for some reason. Maybe I'll try again later.

Monday, July 04, 2005

Oh, and one other thing...

Congratulations to Johnny, who managed to run from the Exchange to the Old Market in broad daylight COMPLETELY NAKED! How you got away with that I have no idea!


I was just looking through some of my friend Jons pictures on his msn space, and I came across this. It made me laugh so much. By the way, Saunders is now living in the pond on Kelso lawn... it's a very nice place.

Saturday, July 02, 2005


It's absolutely awesome! Just download it and add your friends and you can talk to whoever you want all over the world for FREE!!! It's so great!

Add me: beakybeaky

Do it or else!