Thursday, April 20, 2006

Weeeeelll.... it's the end of my holiday....

.... the end of my holiday in Germany, anyway. I fly back to Manchester via Stanstead (how annoying!) tomorrow morning. So early tomorrow morning, infact, that it's not really even worth me going to bed.

It's so stupid, what kind of person thought it would be good idea to schedule the only flight for tomorrow that I can get at

6.25 AM

It's just rude, to be quite honest.

So that means that I have to get up at 4am.

I should really be on my way to bed now shouldn't I? But I know that my mum will complain about the state of my room becuase I haven't finished sorting it out and cleaning up and making it tidy yet. That means I'll have to keep doing things until she's satisfied. And I want to play my new game that I (actually, mum) bought (Tropico 2 - it's about pirates, it's brilliant!) but I don't think it's a very good idea... I think it might be wise to get as mush sleep as possible.

And my new phone lets me set about 5 different alarms and each one of them can go on snooze, so I don't think there'll be too much trouble with getting out of bed. I'm usually good at getting up, but then I don't usually get out of bed at 4am, so I wouldn't be surprised if I struggle a little bit tomorrow...

I REALLY hope I don't end up falling asleep on the train or a bench somewhere and wake up 6 hours later with no idea where I am or what happened and with my suitcase and all my other belongings stolen from me. At least I don't think people will mistake me for a tramp, that would be much worse! hehe

So that's good night and auf wiedersehen from Deutschland!

I have absolutely no idea when I'm going to be back. It could be months. Who knows? And I might not be able to post for a few more days so don't worry about me and think I've got lost somewhere (even though I might have!) I don't have the Internet at home in England... Ciao!

Ooh! Ooh! I almost forgot!

Reminder #1 for Sven --- PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE remember to bring the guitar. Write it on post-its and stick them everywhere so you don't forget. Please!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What new phone?

9:20 pm  
Blogger beaky said...

Sarah gave me her Samsung one

12:28 pm  
Blogger Thérèse said...

I absolutely adore that you say it's just rude.

Cause it so is.

A while back we had to drive a friend to the airport (airport being a 2 hr drive away), and the flight left at 6am, so you can imagine how much fun that was.

Stupid airports. So inconsiderate.

5:57 pm  

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