Monday, March 13, 2006

Argh! Stupid stupid stupid!

WHY do people KEEP sending those STUPID emails around saying that msn is either going to start charging or close down or make your account stop if you don't send it to everyone on your contacts list and their mothers? WHY? It's SO rediculous.



The SAME messages have been going round for YEARS and I've recieved it a MILLION times and not one of them has EVER been appreciated.

Want me to prove to you that the whole thing is a STUPID PILE OF COMPLETE AND UTTER RUBBISH? Ok then, I will. You asked for it.

1. If it were true, the hotmail staff would tell you themselves, not rely on people's IDIOT forwards to get the message around.

2. The BBC. Hmmmm, yes the ones with the link to this did appear quite convincing, IF YOU'RE A CHIMPANZEE WITH A BRAIN THE SIZE OF A PEA! Is there not something a little odd about this page when you look at it??

It says 'fees could be introduced within 12 months'. Oh dear... NOT. They expect us to 'pay about £60 a year for extra services'... oh dear... NOT.

Look at the top of the page.

Go on.


Read the date of the article and then say it outloud to yourself 3 times.

Feeling slightly confused? If you are, then well done. If not, then you're MORE stupid than a chimpanzee with a brain the size of a pea. It's now 2006, not 2001, that was 5 years ago. I've been using hotmail, msn etc all that time for FREE. So, if it WAS true, I owe the nice people at msn more than £250.

Are you getting this now? Are you seeing that you're just being irritating by forwarding that email sixty-three times to the same people?

Oh yes, and another thing to add from the BBC.... I saw a lovely article on the website entitled 'Thousands fall for Hotmail prank'. Awww are you included in those 'thousands'. Feeling a little silly and sorry for yourself now, are we??


Ooh... so it would appear that the old article is what they thought MIGHT happen after the crash. Ooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhh..... that's clears it up. Makes perfect sense to me now!! (sarcasm intended).

3. Oh yes, there's MORE. According to most of these emails going around, you're account will close unless you confirm that you're using it by sending the email on. I haven't even done it once. NOT ONCE. And guess what?! Surprise, surprise, my email account is still active! Wahey!

So, children, what's the moral of this story? Hm?






Phew. Rant over. I can go home and have tea now.


Blogger Thérèse said...

I feel you, Beaky.

I hate forwards.

I hate all forwards.

I have gotten them all before.

I feel like forwarding something to everyone on my list saying: Do not send me any. There is not one forward that you will ever send me that I will ever be interested in. EVER. SO. STOP IT.

This is what happens when people stop thinking critically...

5:47 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please send me 50 euros and I won't write again until next week. If you don't it will make me cry and you'll feel very guilty. So do it now! Please tell your friends.

7:50 pm  
Blogger beaky said...

I've had the same email three times sicne I wrote this post. ARRRRGGGGHHHHHHH

10:20 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

calm down dear becky!! its not the end of the world...just delete delete delete! :) x

4:01 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol, these are the stupidest things ever, if u actually bother to read the article they cite, i quote: "Microsoft stresses that the site's core facilities including Hotmail will remain free."
I'm not quite sure how people fall for these things...

oh, and i love u becky xxxx

3:31 pm  

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