Friday, April 28, 2006

I'm baaaaack

I wrote this the other day but haven't been able to get to a computer properly....

I’m really not in the mood for blogging at the moment. In fact, I think it’s just the fact that I’m not in the mood for sitting in the library, which I kinda have to do if I want to blog. So, I’m writing this on my computer at home, where I am not surrounded by 650 other students that distract me from working simply due to the fact that they’re walking around me. I have no motivation for revision whatsoever at the moment, which makes it even harder, but I’ve borrowed Faye’s textbook for the evening so that I can see whether I’ll work better at home, so you can imagine the goodies that my evening has in store for me… Last night was much better, with a trip to Flares for Ach’s birthday and ‘decorating’ his car when we got home with Faye and Michelle (with pink loo roll… what could look better?? Tee hee).

Anyway, I’ve decided that the only method of getting the next chapter of this work done is to starve myself of dinner (and it’s already 7pm and I’m starting to get hungry!) until I’m satisfied that I’ve actually got something useful done today. Well, this morning was productive – I had a good meeting with Dan, Chris and Nick about CU (even though I nearly fell asleep at one point from being tired from last night). But then, that’s not going to help me pass my exams, so it doesn’t count.

Right! Into the thrilling world of marketing I go! …… I might get completely lost and confused on this little adventure, I might even be eaten by an angry troll with green hair and a blue moustache, or I might quit soon because I’m hungry, who knows? Maybe I’ll find out that the ‘world of marketing’ is actually a fairy land with marshmellow trees and happy children skipping around and riding ponies and all my exam will include is judging in the Prettiest Flower Contest as opposed to being about market segmentation and keeping irritating customers satisfied…. but I doubt it.


Don’t worry if that last paragraph made no sense to you, there are weird things flying around my mind, none of which have anything to do with business studies unfortunately. And I’ve just noticed that I’m blabbing nonsense to you all without even realising it. I should stop procrastinating and ACTUALLY DO SOME WOOOOOOORK.


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