Wednesday, March 29, 2006

A few things from this year...

As my academic year starts to draw to a close, (Yes, that’s right! I only have two more weeks of lectures until next year!!!!!) I thought I would reflect on the year…

- It’s ok to slurp gravy from your plate and then lick it completely clean. Your mother is no longer sat opposite you staring at you with an angry and/or disgusted face. No repercussions! Slurp away.

- Peppers are grrrrreeeeaaatt. I’ve lost count of the number of peppers I’ve eaten this year. Eat them with everything, I do. Red wins first place, green second and third place goes to yellow.

- Libraries are the best and most fun place in the world. Don’t believe me??..... well, then that makes you stupid. Who wouldn’t agree with that? Well, you’re either stupid or you don’t have libraries like the ones in Sheffield. Yes, yes, that must be it. The Adsetts… *sigh*

- Saying ‘Good night’ before you go to bed is perfectly acceptable, even when you’re going to bed at 7.30 in the morning.

- Band of Brothers is awesome. No contest. With anything. Anywhere. Ever. It’s the best thing since sliced bread. No, wait. It’s better than sliced bread.

- Cooking is fun. But only when you’re cooking for yourself. It’s just stressful when you cook for other people, and that’s when it tends to go wrong.

- Netto = YES! I don’t care what everyone thinks, it’s AMAZING. Yeah, yeah, once you’ve got past the stuff still in boxes and the broken things there are some absolute BARGAINS.

- Chocolate is a definite must have, even if you have no money with you. There’s always a way to get money for chocolate.

- This year has been the fastest year ever since records began. Phew! I swear I was just walking out of college five minutes ago….

- The Friary. The best discovery I’ve made. A proper chippy! Woo hoo! If you’re ever in Sheffield and hungry, go there, it’s just by the bus station and Hallam University, in case you needed to know.

- The discovery of coffee!

- The re-discovery that I hate tea!

- ALWAYS keep the front door locked. Always, always. Unless you like being burgled, of course.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

yellow peppers are the best! green are the worst but still good :)

10:27 am  

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