Sunday, June 26, 2005

Saturday and Sunday

We got back to college at about 2pm on Saturday. I spent most of the day sitting around not doing a lot, but in the evening it was our 'Upper 6th leavers party'. It was lots of fun and we had a bbq and played games (yes we are all like a bunch of children, so what?!). One was dizzy sticks where you have to put your head on the top of a stick and then turn around it six times and then run back to the start. After you've done it 3 times you're so dizzy you just fall on the floor when you're running back. It was so funny to watch! The other game was also very funny. You have to stick an After Eight chocolate to your forehead (by licking it) and then get it into your mouth without using your hands. If it falls off your face then you have to start again. I managed to do it in a couple of minutes (you should have seen us, we looked so stupid wiggling our facial muscles trying to move the chocolate!) but Kayleigh took ages doing it and it fell off about 3 times. It was one of those'you-have-to-be-there' moments, but trust me, if you're bored then play it, it's hilarious! Other stuff that we did generally involved talking and writing lots of messages to people in their yearbooks and stuff.


I can't believe I'm actually leaving. I'm leaving. Wow. I have to say it again. I am leaving! It's amazing how quick two years have gone, it really is, and I've made more best friends here than I think I ever have in the rest of my life. Obviously I've made lots of other really good friends, but these guys really are my best friends, and being without them is going to take a lot of getting used to. The only thing I can say is that I'm so glad I've got Jess next year. I know we wont be seeing each other all of the time, but she'll still be there, only a bus ride away when I need her!

After a really good evening, it just ended up being quite horrible. Not because there were any arguments or it was boring or anything like that, but, well Hughz started it actually. All he did was give me a regular hug and it just kind of carried on. One long, big hug. I was completely crying my eyes out by the end of it, it was horrible, I didn't want him to leave!! Jade came out and ended up crying as well so we just went upstairs, gave each other a massive hug and went to bed after. Hughz even gave Amy a hug, which is funny because he usually bullies her! (Haha, I always knew you liked each other really!). We all got up early this morning to see him off, which wasn't fun either. I'm sure I'll be able to see him again, but not for quite a long time, and it'll never be like it was here at college. It sucks. By the way, if you read this Hughz, thankyou for being my friend, I love you and am missing you already!

So there it is. Hughz has left. Shaun has left (hopefully he managed to get 'Check my bum, I've got cocaine' off his arm which was written on in black marker pen last night for some reason) and Christian is leaving too. At least Phil came back to see us this weekend! I'm going to go and find out what everyone else is up to, or maybe I should do some french revision......

Look at pictures of me and my wonderful friends here (I've added loads of new ones today in the College 2204-2005 folder). You can click on the 'pictures of me' link on my sidebar at any time to see them.


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