Monday, June 20, 2005

Learn about me yay

1. Full name: Rebecca Joanne Harris
2. Nickname(s): Becky, Beaky, beaks, bum, there are MANY more but those are my main ones
3. Shoe size: 5
4. Height: 5'5 (taller than Jade!!)
5. Hair: blonde
6. Siblings? one brother, two sisters (steven aka sven, gemma aka jimbob and sarah aka slob)
7. Do you like to sing in the shower? i never really do that actually, cos i think everyone will be listening
8. Do you like to sing? oh yes!
9. Birthday: 8th august
10. Sign: leo
11. Lefty or righty? Right
12. Shoes or sandals? Shoes
13. Coke or Pepsi? Coke
14. What do you want in a relationship? Ultimately love I guess, but nothing right now
15. Have you ever cheated? Nope
16. Marital status: single
17. Song? Ooh hard question… can I just say Disney in general? Because I like loads of those
18. Cologne & perfume? Ralph Lauren I have no idea what it’s actual name is
19. Movie? I like loads of Disney and also lord of the rings, gladiator, the pianist and a few others
20. Number? 7
21. Card games? Speed or freecell on the computer
22. Radio station? FFN! Super hits fur Niedersachsen! Ja!
23. Sports? Does one touch count?
25. Food? Chicken broccoli gratin mmmmmmmmmm
26. TV show? Don’t really have one, I watch whatever anyone else puts on
27. Cartoon? Family Guy! (especially the one in the rehab centre hehehe) errrr…. Errrr… pea…errr….tear….griffin! Ahh crap!
28. Character? Dunno I have many
29. Colour? blue
30. Do you plan on having kids? Ja, and they’ll all be crazy LIKE ME!!!
31. How many do you want? 3 sounds good.
32. What's something you can't wait to say? I’m fat!!
33. Get married? Yes, but none of you are allowed to come. Haha just kidding
34. Would you have kids before marriage? nope
36. Do you have a crush? No. if I was fat I could literally crush EVERYONE! HOW FUN!!!
37. What hurts you the most? Sun burn. And I’ve had plenty of it!
38 Music/TV? Music
39. Guys/Girls? guys
40. Green/Blue? blue
41. Pink/Purple? Mixture of both
42. Summer/Winter? Summer
43. Night/Day? Day
44. Hanging Out/ Chillin? Chillin
45. Dopey/Funny? funny
47. What school do you go to? Peter Symonds, but only until next Tuesday!!! YIPPEE!
48. Do you enjoy what you do? Not really
49. What's a major turn on for you? Ummm general all round niceness
50. Who Are They? Christiana, Jade, jess, Michael, hughz, amy, ally, alex, Johnny, Kathryn, tom, pikey, christian, simon, bel, ollie, robson, I think I could go on for a long time
51. Most blonde: ME!!! Hmm Kathryn is close
52. Nicest: Jess
53. Funniest: JADE!
54. Tallest: oohh ummm I think it might be between Christian and pikey
55. What's the worst thing a friend could do to you? Beat me up… I would almost definitely die from my injuries
58. Is it right to flirt if you have a g/f or b/f: no
59. What was the last thing you cried over or got teary about? Dunno my whole life is one sad drama. Nah just kidding I can’t remember… I’M HARD!
60. What's something about guys/girls you don't get? I don’t get why some girls find that it’s necessary to argue about anything and everything and I don’t get why guys think I’m ‘one of the guys’because I play football with them! *ahem* rob jack and ollie!!!!
62. What's one thing you can't live without? Oxygen is probably the most obvious one, but I would find life hard without my friends. Not because I love them or anything, just because I get bored easily hahahaha
63. Love or Lust: Love
64. Silver or Gold: Silver
65. Diamond or Pearl: Diamonds
66. Sunset or sunrise: Sunset
67. Have you ever gone Skinny-dipping? No, and I never will!
68. Do you sleep with stuffed animals: kinda. Teddy is getting a bit old, he sleeps on the shelf at home now. He had a rough life with my brother bullying me and all, he’s having a nice retirement.
69. Do you have any piercings: Nope but I want to get my ears done soon
70. What colour underwear are you wearing right now: pink
71. What song are you listening to right now? Some rubbish on the radio I have no idea what it is
72. What are the last 4 digits of your home phone: 9475
73. Where would you want to go on your honeymoon: not sure, would have to be sunny and warm with nice views
74. Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with? Haven’t met them yet I don’t know!
75. What are some of the first things you notice about the opposite sex? General appearance
77. What's the next CD(s) your going to buy? Don’t know but the last one was the foo fighters yay
78. Do you wear contacts or glasses? Nope
79. What was the best advice ever given to you? I don’t know. I kinda taught myself that if Johnny has been out quite a while and wants to dance, say no!
81. Do you like Funny or Scary movies better? Funny, I hate scary ones
83. Hugs or kisses? both
84. What song seems to reflect you the most? La bamba by los lobos – it’s my life theme tune
85. If you died tomorrow who would you leave everything you own to? My mama and dad and sibling and they can decide what to do with it. Dad can have my money as a thankyou present (afterall he has given me A LOT in my lifetime!
86. Do you have any enemies? Nope, not even one. I spose lots of people might dislike me but I don’t have any enemies
87. Who was the last person to hug you? michaela
88. Would you rather be rich or famous? Rich
89. What time is it in Albania? Hmmmmm is there 2 hours difference from here? I dunno
90. What time is it where you are now? 20.38
91. Have you ever met Santa? Yes!
92. Name something pretty: a robin (the bird, not a person)
93. When did you last talk to the person that you like? I like loads of people, but not like that obviously. The last friend that I spoke to was michaela
94. Do you have any pets? I did have 2 frogs… but *sob sob* frenchie died today
95. Who was the last person you danced with? johnny
96. Last time you were stressed: now, I should do more revision but I’ve got to the stage where I’m absolutely sick of it now!
97. Are you an alcoholic? no
98. Who sent this to you/ what do you think of them: jon, he’s cool and I like talking (trying) in german to him hehe
99 What do you want to do/be when you grow up: well hopefully I’ll marry someone with a good job so I wont have to do ANYTHING!!! HAHA
100. Do you want people to send this back? Well they can fill it in if they want and leave theirs in a comment on this post!


Blogger Thérèse said...

1. Look what you started.... Now everybody's doing it.

2. You have tiny feet.

3. But are still taller than me.

4. This doesn't seem right to me.

5. So shrink or grow your feet bigger.

6. Yes I am kidding.

7. I also love Freecell.

4:45 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ickle, you are a geek! But you made me & phil smile xx

10:51 am  
Blogger beaky said...

maybe you think my feet are small because they are in english sizes. they're not actually that small!

5:53 pm  

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