Tuesday, December 13, 2005

I used to wonder....

..... where I got my silliness from, but now it's certain that I got it from my mum. I even have evidence for you. It's from an email that she sent me today.

Exhibit A

'Daddy is getting more concerned about the snow that's forecast to start on Friday and not stop. I have to have a contingency plan to get you all home. Hope you've got some good shoes and a map!'

haha very funny (just so you know, it takes 2 1/2 hours to drive, nevermind walk!)

Exhibit B

'Lots of love,
Mama xxxx**xxxx***xx***xxxxxxxxxxx***xx*x*xx***(kisses in the snow!)'

Yes, yes I know it's very nice, but you have to admit, very silly too. hehe

I love my mummy.


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