Monday, December 05, 2005

There's just nothing like it...

There really is nothing like going home so late that the birds are already singing. I've done that the last 2 days, and quite surprisingly, I'm not really tired at all! I don't regret it either, I had a really nice time, because I did something that I haven't done for a long time. I chatted. Well, actually on Saturday night we watched Family Guy the movie, two family guy episodes and charlie and the chocolate factory as well as chatted a little bit, but last night we just chatted (and watched family guy at the same time tee hee). I don't know why I haven't done anything like that for a long time, but I think I've learnt more about Jonny and got to know him better over the last few days than I have done my own housemate over the space of 3 months!

It's got me thinking. I think in life everyone has loads of friends that they really enjoy being with, but there aren't really that many people that you can sit and have a proper conversation with. I mean real conversation. I spend most of my time in pointless conversation with hundreds of different people that doesn't actually mean anything and isn't important, but it's so interesting when you can sit and really get to know a person.

I think this is so true:

If you can tell someone anything without thinking that it might change their opinion of you or that they wold think you were weird, then then they are a true friend. But I think the real decider isn't what happens when you're talking, but in the silences in between. If you know you could both sit for 5 minutes in complete silence and then suddenly start talking again about something completely random and it's not at all awkward throughout, then you can really know that you feel comfortable with that person. Awkward silences are a definite no no. You should never feel like you have to say something to keep it going.

I'm so lucky that I have people that I'm like that with. Christiana is my best friend. Even if we don't speak to each other for 4 months, as soon as we do speak or see each other we pick up where we left off. I find that real friendships don't take much effort to keep up, because time doesn't ever change them. There's no need to constantly stay in touch, because they already know that you love them, there's no need to keep saying it.

Christiana isn't the only one I've got either. There's Michael. And Jess. Jade. Alex. Johnny. I could go on...

I'm so lucky.

Why am I being so soppy today? What's wrong with me?? he he


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ickle, you dirty stop out!

3:39 pm  

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