Thursday, September 15, 2005

I'd never normally be like this, but....

.... I'm jealous. Most of my friends are either already in England or are going back soon. And I'm going to be stuck here until the 24th. It might not seem like long to you, but it is a long time when you're alone and have nothing worthwhile to do. I was fine before, but now I've spoken to them and know they're having a great time I'm depressed. At least I know Jess is in the same boat as me I suppose. I can cheer myself up with the fact that even though it's well over a month since my birthday, I'm still looking forward to presents.

*sigh* Nope, it doesn't cheer me up enough, I'm still jealous and depressed. At least my friend Michael has promised that if I die (from boredom or anything else) he's willing to identify my body. How reassuring.

Oh yeah, Happy Birthday Prince Harry. Have fun crawling around in muddy ditches all day with your army buddies. Well, I guess he'll be having more fun than me....... *siiiiiiiiiigh*


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