Sunday, September 11, 2005

I've decided...

... that blogging is ok, but I have banned myself from all games websites or any other pointless pages that will end up with me spending hours on the Internet. I'm completely alone at home now (not including parents, but they don't count) I'm going to have to find things for me to do with myself that are worthwhile. I decided that I could go for a bike ride, but, to my annoyance, autumn decided to come all of a sudden in the last 2 days (evil, evil, EVIL!!! How could the best and the worst months of the year be so close together?? I hate September!) , bringing rain and wind, which will, I assure you, make me depressed if the sun doesn't appear from behind the clouds sometime soon. Even if it's only for a little while. Note to sun: When you come, bring heat. Please!


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