Monday, August 01, 2005

Today's fun at work consisted of...

- kicking Paula Pinecone all the way from the workshops to the church. She is now in the middle of the road ready to be squashed by a car.

- Singing songs whilst cleaning the church.

-Mop fighting.

- My new game, entitled 'Draw' was born. The aim of the game is to make yourself look as stupid as possible. The rules are: One person shouts an object and then shouts 'DRAW' (and pretends to take a gun from their pocket and shoot the other person) and then you have to draw that object in the air using only one finger as fast as you possibly can, including special details. It's an amazing game, you should try it (preferably in public, it has the best effect that way).

- Trying again and again and again to make Gemma watch Pride and Prejudice. She WILL watch it. By the way, if you watch it, it has to be the BBC version, nothing else will do I'm afraid (the one with Jennifer Elhe and Colin firth).

- Gemma repeatedly trying to hold my hand.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Facts Beaky...get em right. You were trying to hold my hand and feel my bum for that matter

7:00 pm  
Blogger beaky said...

Errr... I'm sure it was the other way round....

7:41 pm  

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