Thursday, January 27, 2005

Work Work Work

I don't really know how it's happened, but for some reason, I'm getting behind in my work. I suppose I didn't really do much work other than revision while I had my exams, but last year I managed to stay on top of all of my IT coursework when everyone else was far behind, but at the moment, I can't even seem to find where to begin with half of it. I think I'm gonna go see my teacher tomorrow so I can sit down with him and he can help me sort through what I need to do. It's so annoying, with all other coursework, you can sit down, write it and then hand it in, but IT goes on for the whole year so you never get a break from it. I was quite far behind on my independent french work too, but thanks to some inspiration from Jade (all she ever seems to do is work!) I've managed to sit down for ages and work through the horrible, boredom filled book that is my wonderful french homework. Oh joy. At least I've managed to write my french coursework plan already, which means I should be able to start writing this weekend after my teacher checks it out tomorrow, so at least I'm ahead of most of my class there! Yippee, don't I lead an interesting life??!! I'm so bored of everything that I even talk about my work in my blog... hmmm maybe I should go now.


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