Thursday, January 26, 2006

Guess who I saw?!

I wrote this yesterday, but I didn't post it....

Just after I’d finished on the computer yesterday, I met Faye and Joel for a little passing chat. Joel headed off for an exam, Faye went home and I walked into town because I needed to go to the library and do some shopping. The way I normally walk was blocked off. I didn’t really think anything of it; they must have been doing something to the path, or digging up pipes or whatever those city council people get up to. It didn’t matter anyway, all I had to do was walk along a tiny bit to use the steps. When I got up there, there was quite a big crowd and loads of police (they were the ones that had blocked off the path) and stuff, which was quite exciting by itself. I walked straight on, towards the crowd, because where I was going was on the other side of it. I got pas the crowd and was content with thinking that it was all a bit random, but I wasn’t bothered about what was going on. But, before I had properly moved away from the crowd loads of people started shouting things and taking pictures, so obviously curiosity got me, so I turned around and Prince Charles was standing about 3 metres away from me!! Half of you are probably thinking that it’s rubbish, but I’ve never seen a famous person before, never mind a royal! By this time I was a little bit stuck in the crowd so I thought I might as well take a picture on my mobile, because I have a feeling that when I see everyone on Thursday they’ll be expecting some evidence. The camera on my phone isn’t that great though, and I don’t know how to get the pictures off it, so I can’t show you the ones that I took myself, you’ll just have to imagine the scene yourself.

Maybe I shouldn’t get that excited about seeing a Prince. I suppose getting excited about seeing Prince Eric or Prince Charming is ok (if only they were real!), but perhaps not Prince Charles.

No! What am I on about?! I still think it was great anyway! The nearest I’ve been to something interesting concerning the Royal family other than this was that I was at Buckingham Palace that day that the ‘Fathers For Justice’ guy dressed up as Batman and climbed up the side of it. Even then, I didn’t actually get to see it happen. I had literally just left the place. Bummer.

In other news…..

I used to feel completely full after eating a whole plate full of Chicken and Vegetable pie with potatoes, broccoli, cauliflower and carrots all smothered in gravy, but for some reason today I ate all of that.

Then slurped all the gravy off the plate. (Yes, yes, you did see that right. I literally sucked off all the gravy from the plate because it was that good. And of course it went all over my chin, I’m proud of that fact too.)

Then I had 2 yoghurts.

And a whole plate full of crackers (Jacobs, of course).

And I’m still hungry.

This can only be a good thing, right? I must be on my way to being heavy enough to give blood! Surely!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

One didn't realise that one was in the crowd otherwise one would have invited one for a coffee, yah?

Lots of love Beaky

Charlie XXX (Sent with Camilla's knowledge)

3:27 pm  

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