Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Thing you didn't know about me #10

We were all just sat outside watching the rain and the storm that was going on, when the most massive lighting ever went off right above us and the thunder cracked at the same time. There was about 10 of us and we all jumped a mile, it was the most awesome thing I've ever seen!! You could feel the noise make the whole ground shake and about 20 different alarms started going off around college and the surrounding area. It was immense! I absolutely LOVE storms and LOVE the smell of storm rain even more. I wonder where the lightening actually struck. It was probably one of the trees behind the house.... AWESOME!! The picture below isn't actually of now, but I thought it was a cool one so I put it on!

My weather pixie says it's 25 degree and sunny! You lie, woman!


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