Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Oooh it's been a while!

Merry Chritsmas (I know it's a bit late, but I haven't been on here for ages)!

Well I'm still at home in Germany, doing the usual - absolutely nothing apart from playing the Sims 2 (which is great, you should play it). My Granddad was here at the beginning of the holiday which was nice and I fiiiiinally got to go to the Christmas market and eat a bratwurst (after wanting one for about 3 months)..... mmmmmm.... dribble dribble... drool drool... brrrraaaaatwuuuurssstt...

I've been to Holland twice this holiday. Once was to see my aunt, uncle and cousin and to drop off my granddad, who was going home with them. We went in this Santa's Christmas market/grotto thing which seemed to go on forever and somehow we managed to lose mum in it. It turned out that she had been looking at some little trees on a display that she had wanted to buy to go in her little village which sits in our dining room every christmas (you know the one that you put little candles in). hmmmm

Well, anyway, the second time we went to Holland we met up with some more family in Arnhem for dinner. (Bet you can't think of anyone else that drove 2 hours just to have dinner!!!) We went to the war cemetary afterwards which was really cool because it was really foggy so it had a great atmosphere. But, it was freezing and I nearly died, so I was glad when we left.

This morning I decided that my brother is very mean (well actually, I already thought it, but today just made me realise it even more) because he put some very horrible pictures of me here. Any ideas on how i can get him back???

Last night also made me decide that he is crazy, along with his friends (which means that he can't complain that me and my sisters are nuts because he's just as bad). I was sat next to him whilst they were all playing counterstrike, in which they were trying to kill as many people on their own team as possible, singing songs about magic monkeys and playing the Gladiator theme tune in the background(I mean the tv one, not the film). I think they successfully annoyed every other person that was playing at the same time as them. Well done. You all qualify for a life long stay at a nut house.


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