Thursday, December 09, 2004

Today's Topic...

After living in a house with 46 other people for over a year, I still haven't managed to figure out why people are so stupid. Yesterday saw this years Christmas dinner, and a lot of very silly drunk people. I know I'm not stupid, but for some reason I just can't see what everyone else seems to. Why bother getting drunk? I have a whole list of reasons why being drunk is very stupid.

The majority of times that people get drunk...
1. They spend lots of money.
2. They embarrass themselves.
3. They hurt themselves or somebody else.
4. They end up in an argument or crying about something really stupid and pointless that would never have happened if they weren't drunk.
5. They get on my nerves.

I could keep going on, but to be honest, I can't be bothered. If you want to get drunk, then fair enough, it's your choice and your problem, but in the future please don't come near me too much because I'll probably end up getting annoyed.

Sorry if I'm ranting and sound really miserable, but last night really made me think.

Oh, and another thing. Why do people pretend to be drunk? IT'S NOT COOL!!! Actually, it's at the height of all sadness. hmmm... There's something very wrong with the world...


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