Tuesday, January 03, 2006


I'm bored, very bored, and I don't like it.

I've decided that my life needs to be more exciting and I need to be more spontaneous. I guess you could say I'm making it my new years resolution. I'm going to make a list. A list of everything that I want to do and achieve. It's pretty short at the moment, but I'm going to make it longer, and then feel satisfied when I can cross things off. I suppose this is like ages ago, when VJ posted about me needing to be 'more random'. I can even remember a quote from what she said: 'Randomness is like a muscle, which should be exercised regularly'. I didn't do greatly on that, but I've had a change of heart (again) and have decided to be less lazy and more active and exciting in everything that I do. The first thing I've decided, is that I'm going to go on holiday. A proper holiday. But I'm not sure where yet. I can't think of somewhere. Help me decide, here's the criteria:

- It can't be too expensive (I'll probably have to get a job to pay for it anyway)
- It should be for this summer
- Somewhere that I've never been to before (I've done the whole France, Spain, Italy malarky many times), but not somewhere too far away. For example, if I went to New Zealand, I'd want to make a proper job of it i.e would go for quite a long time and would take LOTS of money with me.

I was thinking of Ireland, but I'm not sure. Help me! Think of somewhere I can go, as well as other things I can add to my list of aims!

I think that me not being that exciting in the stuff that I do is from a life of not being able to do anything like that. When I was younger, I mean. I'm not saying that I was deprived or anything like that, I'm lucky that I got to go on holidays and stuff, lots of people don't, but our holidays were always the same - staying in a caravan somewhere in france, going to the beach and sitting there playing in the sand for up to 6 weeks at a time. My dad isn't one for adventures, so I guess that's why we never really did anything new. That's not the only reason that I don't have as much sense of adventure as I would like though. I think it's from being at boarding school. It was quite strict, so when we were younger we were never allowed to go off doing things on our own and the only time I ever went anywhere was when I came home, to Germany. I like being with my family, don't get me wrong, but there's nothing to do and I don't have any friends left here. I get more bored here than anywhere else. It's the same day in, day out, so I want to do something about it. But I've spent so many wasted hours of my life doing nothing that I'm, yes I admit it, quite lazy. The most exciting times in my life have been staying at Christiana's house. It's my second home I think, and they're my adopted family. Her dad even introduced me to someone as his adopted daughter once, which made me laugh. I love them so much, they're great. They're exciting, that's what I love about them the most. They're always doing something, and I love being a part of it. I guess I ruined that by going to Winchester. Actually, if I hadn't of been leaving Leeds, then I would probably have never spent so much time at their house. It's strange how things work out in life, isn't it?

Well this is turning into an essay, which it wasn't supposed to. But I'm just thinking outloud as it were, so nevermind.

So, here's the start of my list:
1. Go to Christiana's house in the lakes
2. Plan and go on some sort of holiday

I've just remembered the real reason why I started writing this post. while searching on the Internet, this came up on my screen at lastminute.com. It's a completely serious site too, just has very bored/silly employees with nothing better to do, obviously:

Sorry, our site has amnesia.

It sounds silly, but our site just can't remember what you were looking for.

Try to Refresh this page to remind it
Hit Back and wait a minute before submitting your information again

If you are still unable to access any information please return to the site later on today, after we've given it some computer medicine (that stuff always works).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why don't you...tidy your room?

11:57 pm  
Blogger beaky said...

hehehe that's funny this time actually, because I really did consider it! I have to today anyway...

10:13 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go South Africa, take me & pay for me with the job ur going to get.
Bored - you could do something different and actually do ur French, or alternatively really different you could finish my disertation and/or tidy my room, bake me a cake, make me a prezzie, pack my case, buy me a prezzie, go shopping, invent something to make all the books I have to take back to England lighter so my case isn't heavy, rob a bank, and oh did i mention you could get me a prezzie?

12:18 pm  
Blogger Valancy Jane said...

I have to confess I find it a wee bit funny that's you're making a list of ways to be more spontaneous.

Becky, you're adorable.

8:55 pm  
Blogger Valancy Jane said...

Oh, and Becky? You really don't need to change.

You're so YOU, it's great.

8:57 pm  

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