Monday, May 16, 2005

Weekend Update

It well and truly has been a film weekend. I know saying this makes me a geek, but nevermind, (apparently geeks are the new 'cool' so I suppose it doesn't matter) I watched Star Wars. Not just one episode, but episodes I, II, IV, V and VI!!! Wow. Yes, we were bored, and the weather was horrible on saturday. That's not the end of it either. I've also bought my ticket (Belinda and Jess were NOT going to take the chance that someone else might take all the tickets, so they went early) for episode III. I can't wait. How exciting. I can't help myself. It's great. I WANT a light sabre. I WANT to be a Jedi. I'm sorry, I should stop now.

Actually, they weren't the only films we watched. After playing some volleyball on sunday we sat and watched braveheart. Awww what a sad film. Actually, I think it'd be pretty scary in real life. Imagine all those irish and scots being very angry and crazy with the english. Awesome. (that's not supposed to be offensive by the way. I think it's great. I hated the English in that film. Hmmm quite a lot of things make me ashamed of being English.... strange...

OOH OOH!! I almost forgot!! Christian made a lightsabre thing last year, of which I ( and milly) were the stars!! does anyone know how I can get hold of that??


Anonymous Anonymous said...

may the force be with you.....bum!

11:02 pm  

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