In the news today...
1000th visitor! It's quite amazing, I made my blog in December, but only started the counter in January. In only 6 weeks, I'va manged to get 1000 visitors to my site. I didn't even think it was that interesting! Ok, so about 40 of them were me when I was changing what it looked like (I had to check that the colours matched!!!) but it's still a lot of people! Was my 1000th visitor you??
Snow! It never, well, very rarely snows in Winchester, and if it does, it doesn't settle. When I was on the bus on Sunday, it snowed while I was travelling through Olivers Battery but it wsa all slusjy and rubbish, but, I woke up this morning here in Germany, and there's loads of snow eveywhere! There are some patches, but I suppose it was 12.15 when I got out of bed, so it's had quite a long chance to melt. Still good though! Actually, I hope it's not there tomorrow, I've got to go to the dentist and don't fancy walking all the way if it's going to be horrible. hmmm. When I asked my mum what time my appointment was earlier, unfortunately, she said 2.30. She cracked the tooth hurty joke, and I was quite disappointed. I always thought it was my dad that told the really bad jokes. What a shame...
Blog changes! I've decided that I want to make my blog a bit more interesting, so am going to add more things to it. I'm not completely sure what I'm going to do yet, but I'll get there. If you have any suggestions, then just leave a comment. You've probably notice that I've got a picture on here now. Yes, I look crazy on it, but there were worse ones! I can only put pictures on here while I'm at home because I can't download Hello while I'm at college which is quite annoying. Hopefully I'll be able to add a few pictures and things during this week. Might change some colours or something too.
Mum wants me to go to the gym with her tonight, but I don't want to. She also wants me to sweep up these haxzel nut things that have blown from the trees all over my garden, and I don't really want to do that either. She wants me to do the washing, and I don't want to do that either!!! But I suppose I'll just have to be a wonderful child and dol it. Well, I'll do the washing anyway, it doesn't involve too much movement. We'll see about the others. Oh yes, and I have to prepare the salad for tea tonight. Bu tI like doing that because I can eat the dressing as I'm doing it. mmmmmmmmm
Snow! It never, well, very rarely snows in Winchester, and if it does, it doesn't settle. When I was on the bus on Sunday, it snowed while I was travelling through Olivers Battery but it wsa all slusjy and rubbish, but, I woke up this morning here in Germany, and there's loads of snow eveywhere! There are some patches, but I suppose it was 12.15 when I got out of bed, so it's had quite a long chance to melt. Still good though! Actually, I hope it's not there tomorrow, I've got to go to the dentist and don't fancy walking all the way if it's going to be horrible. hmmm. When I asked my mum what time my appointment was earlier, unfortunately, she said 2.30. She cracked the tooth hurty joke, and I was quite disappointed. I always thought it was my dad that told the really bad jokes. What a shame...
Blog changes! I've decided that I want to make my blog a bit more interesting, so am going to add more things to it. I'm not completely sure what I'm going to do yet, but I'll get there. If you have any suggestions, then just leave a comment. You've probably notice that I've got a picture on here now. Yes, I look crazy on it, but there were worse ones! I can only put pictures on here while I'm at home because I can't download Hello while I'm at college which is quite annoying. Hopefully I'll be able to add a few pictures and things during this week. Might change some colours or something too.
Mum wants me to go to the gym with her tonight, but I don't want to. She also wants me to sweep up these haxzel nut things that have blown from the trees all over my garden, and I don't really want to do that either. She wants me to do the washing, and I don't want to do that either!!! But I suppose I'll just have to be a wonderful child and dol it. Well, I'll do the washing anyway, it doesn't involve too much movement. We'll see about the others. Oh yes, and I have to prepare the salad for tea tonight. Bu tI like doing that because I can eat the dressing as I'm doing it. mmmmmmmmm
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